Let’s Get Going


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How did you score? Give yourself 3 points for each A, 2 points for each B, and 1 point for each C. See how you scored below.

If you scored:

Below 15: Keep trying to increase your physical activity. This can help you:

  • Lose or maintain weight
  • Lower your risk of:
    - Heart disease
    - Diabetes
    - Cancer
    - High blood pressure

16-24: You’re doing great.You’ve been making some pretty good lifestyle changes. Is it time to:
• Increase how often you exercise?
• Increase how hard you exercise?
• Increase how long you exercise?
• Change the type of exercise you do?

25-30: Congratulations.You’ve been taking good care of yourself.

  • Remember what inspires you to help you to keep from slipping.
  • Try different exercises to keep you motivated.
  • Think about how good you feel about yourself.