Let’s Get Going


As we get older our bodies get more stiff. Flexibility activities are those that keep your muscles relaxed and flexible, and your joints limber. This helps you move, reach and bend. Lack of flexibility can be a cause of lower back pain, stiffness and poor posture.

  • Here are some activities that will increase your flexibility.
    Check the ones you do regularly.

  • List some flexibility activities you like to do.

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Strength activities help you work your muscles against some kind of resistance, like when you push open a heavy door. Here are some activities that will increase your muscular strength. To prevent injury, remember to keep your abdomen tight and breathe.

  • Heavy yard work

  • Raking and carrying leaves

  • Lifting and carrying groceries (not to mention infants and toddlers)

  • Climbing stairs

  • Abdominal crunches (sit-ups)

  • Push-ups

  • Lifting dumbbells or free weights (cans of food or bottles of water also work)

  • List the strength activities you like to do.

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